Catalyst Recycling<
The Uromet Group are worldwide leaders in providing spent Catalyst Generators with economically competitive, environmentally sound and service-orientated Reclamation / Recycling / Reuse Programmes. With agents throughout the world Uromet provides the expertise, whether technical or environmental, to ensure their clients receive the best service possible.
Uromet Services:
Offer, develop and implement customised full-service solutions for all catalysts arising from the Refining, Chemical, Petrochemical, Edible Oil and other industries.
Monitor worldwide environmental regulations (including Basel, OECD, EU) regarding the transport and handling of spent catalysts including attending relevant training courses in the transportation of hazardous materials and wastes.
Use our global network to communicate with our customers in the language and time zone of their choice.
Continue to enhance our growing International network of Reclamation Facilities, which are environmentally audited on a regular basis by our specialists. All Reclamation Facilities can be visited/audited by our Customers.
Be “Working Today for Tomorrow’s Environment”.The goal of Uromet catalyst recycling is to work as a team with our Customers so that we can see our role through their eyes and therefore respond promptly to their needs, at or above their expectations.